by Tim Parkin | May 5, 2017 | Darkroom Print, Testimonial
I’m an analogue photographer who struggles to get digital images that resemble the prints that come out of my darkroom. So, I do the logical thing and outsource the scanning of my black and white prints. Tim Parkin does an excellent job, with scans that very...
by Tim Parkin | Jun 1, 2016 | Testimonial, Transparency
“Spitting Image’s caricature puppets were originally photographed on film, which were then used for print and publicity purposes. Obtaining really good prints from transparencies was always problematic. In 2014 I commissioned Professional Drum Scanning to scan the...
by Tim Parkin | Mar 11, 2016 | Testimonial, Transparency
‘Tim’s scans were the first drum scans I’ve had so I wasn’t sure what to expect but I had high hopes. As soon as I opened the files in Photoshop I realised that Tim’s scans were even better than I had hoped! It wasn’t long before I went and got a big print done. Tim...
by Tim Parkin | Nov 9, 2015 | Testimonial, Transparency
“We have been using Tim’s excellent services for all our drum scanning needs for the King Crimson boxsets ‘Larks’ Tongues in Aspic – The Complete Recordings’, ‘The Road To Red’ (US Tour 1974), and ‘Starless’...
by Tim Parkin | Oct 30, 2015 | Colour Negative, Testimonial
“When a customer needed prints 90 inches across, I knew there was only one person I could entrust to scan my film. Tim took great care and swiftly returned my film digitised to such high quality that the resulting prints were noseable even at such a large...
by Tim Parkin | Oct 27, 2015 | Testimonial, Transparency
“The drum scans that Tim has produced for me have typically produced an extra stop of printable information in the darkest shadows of some extremely challenging transparencies. They are also the sharpest and most colour-accurate scans I have seen. I can strongly...