by Tim Parkin | Sep 13, 2021 | Black and White, Testimonial
Until recently I was able to scan my large and medium format negatives at work but the pandemic meant that I no longer had access to a high-resolution scanner. A colleague recommended Professional Drum Scanning. I was a little nervous about sending my negatives...
by Tim Parkin | Aug 4, 2021 | Black and White, Testimonial
I started with medium format photography in 2014. It took my photography to a new level with 6 x 7 negatives. I photograph a lot of urban landscapes and landscapes with human impact. I also photograph concerts with a medium format camera as a long term project. I...
by Tim Parkin | Jul 25, 2021 | Colour Negative, Testimonial, Transparency
I have only recently started using the drum scan services provided by Tim and Charlotte, but I am certainly glad I have. They provide a high-quality professional service with excellent communication. I was completely blown away with the quality, depth of textures and...
by Tim Parkin | May 30, 2021 | Colour Negative, Film Type, Testimonial
I came across Professional Drum Scanning after I had some poor scans done by another company. I had considered drum scanning but was put off by the cost of the London labs and decided to try cheaper standard scanning, a mistake. I then began to search for an...
by Tim Parkin | Apr 27, 2021 | Film Type, Testimonial, Transparency
Historically my work of 40 years has been recorded onto large format transparencies. In recent years I have started transferring some of these transparencies into a digital format with varying results – many have been very disappointing. Finding PDS has been...
by Tim Parkin | Mar 29, 2021 | Colour Negative, Film Type, Testimonial
I needed some scans done for a long-term project I was working on, which included a mix of much older 6×12 transparency and newer colour neg. The price was very reasonable so I had some tests done. When they came back, I was so happy I found myself raking through...