01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG
Testimonial / Charles Twist

Testimonial / Charles Twist

“I am speechless. I am going around with a dazed smile. I don’t normally write recommendations, but you may quote me. What you have drawn out of that tranny, is extraordinary: I am seeing parts that I didn’t know existed, that I couldn’t see on...
Testimonial / Jon Brock

Testimonial / Jon Brock

“Tim’s drum scans convert the film into beautiful digital bits and bobs” – Jon Brock Jon’s beautiful photograph of the Yorkshire Wolds was taken on Fuji Velvia using a Linhof Technikardan 5×4 camera. Here is a sample from the far...