01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG
Testimonial / Steve Alterman

Testimonial / Steve Alterman

  “Drum scanning is as much an art as it is a science. Different scans of the same image take on different qualities depending on the art of the scanner. Professional Drum Scanning (PDS) takes this art to an entirely new level. After years of looking for...
Testimonial / Katharine MacDaid

Testimonial / Katharine MacDaid

“I first sent some work to be drum scanned when I was getting ready to print my book, The Fireweed Turns. Another photographer had advised me about Professional Drum Scanning (PDS), and I am forever grateful for that information. I had done all my own scanning...