01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG

My work is a combination of painting, sculpture and photography, a form of ‘constructed photography’: assembled tableaux of objects, which are then painted and photographed. My favoured method of capturing these constructed photographic artworks is to shoot on Velvia 10”x8” transparency film through the conduit of my old DeVere Monorail studio camera. This has been my methodology for nearly forty years and the need for high quality drum scans of the final transparency is a crucial step in the process of creating the final, large-scale digital print for exhibition in various galleries.

When you spend months creating meticulously detailed images, it is essential the information (particularly in the shadows, but also the highlights) is fully recorded on the scan.

The quality of scan offered by PDS is fantastic, competitively priced and the process efficiently dealt with by Tim and Charlotte, with an impressive turnaround! Well done!

‘The Mask of Keats II’ 2024