01855 604 451 info@drumscanning.co.uk PDS, Mheall Mhor, Brecklet, Ballachulish, UK. PH49 4JG

It is an absolute pleasure working with Tim and Charlotte. They go far beyond a typical photographer-lab relationship, offering a breath of fresh air with their kindness, attention to detail, and personable nature. They devote the necessary time to ensure each project is seen through to completion, providing an encyclopedia of knowledge along the way. I have never felt in safer hands when it comes to the image-making process. Trusting them completely has been easy, which is something I’ve struggled with when working with other professional outfits.

The scans I receive from PDS are exceptional. Having scanned images myself and having others do it for me, nothing compares to the quality from PDS. I’m now considering rescanning my entire archive with them! Scanning is an art form, rich with nuances, and Tim is undoubtedly a master of this discipline. His knowledge of film is vast and impressive.

Over the past year or two, I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know both Tim and Charlotte. They’ve welcomed me for pitstop brews at their idyllic home while I’ve been working on projects around the Highlands. They are great company and always a good craic!

To sum up, for anyone seeking top-quality scans of their precious film photography, you couldn’t be in safer hands than PDS.

Keiran Perry